Admin Lead/ PA
Provides the necessary administrational support for the business of delivering a mixture of professional development programs, life-changing book sales and the delivery of coaching and mentoring events. Plus assist the CEO role.
As a humanist I have developed ways that enable people to understand how to connect their efforts to an organization’s Customer-centric Key Business Outcomes. I achieve this through a mixture of professional development programs, publishing life-changing books plus coaching and mentoring. A key part to this is identifying a person’s natural talents so that they can achieve these outcomes in a sustainable way.
Web Developer
Works across websites development & E-Learning programs using the latest skills to create and improve user-friendly experiences which enables people to realize their full potential.
Graphics & Video Designer
Creates the graphics for professional development programs & E-Learning videos plus graphics that enable people to understand how to connect their efforts to organisations’ Customer-centric Key Business Outcomes.
Finance & Complaints Lead
Ensures that our products, services are financially compliant both legally and morally for people and organisations to realise their full potential.
Coms & Marketing Lead
Ensures the communication and marketing of our products and services are in a format that is easily understood and will attract people and organisations that want to realise their full potential.