March 19, 2020
How Jacinda and Clarke Can Help Their New Baby Reach Her Full Potential

TVNZ This weekend, the news was all about the birth of the Prime Minister’s new baby, Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford, and it was genuinely nice to see a good news story lead the airwaves. In her Opinion piece for Radio New Zealand, Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw wrote about how little Neve “will have a second parent who […]

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March 15, 2018
Writing Books with Dyslexia

As someone who has written books, it often bowls people over when I tell them I have Dyslexia. It has been frustrating to live with, but it has also given me many gifts in compensation. Dyslexia has traditionally been seen as a reading disorder where someone has problems with reading, spelling, writing, reading aloud words […]

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February 21, 2018
Are your habits working for or against you?

Habits are coping mechanisms we use in our everyday lives. When we carry out actions without conscious thought, we interact with the world through conscious actions, thinking about it, unconscious actions where we don’t think about it because we formed habit. So why do we form habits? We create habits through repeating task or action […]

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February 19, 2018
How your eyes are telling you lies – MAGIC TRICK INCLUDED!

Your eyes may be telling you lies as in lying by omission. While your eyes see images in the visual cortex, if your brain has no knowledge or experience of the image you are looking at, you do not see or comprehend it. This is what magicians use to create an illusion. However, once you […]

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January 23, 2018
The Road to Work Wellness

I was in Australia last year running some training programmes, and while I was there I heard from a manager about a meeting in the corporate Head Office of Senior Management of HR and LMD where the topic of discussion was staff wellness. This focus was on staff physical health as well as their mental […]

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January 16, 2018
Why do we still print emails?

Bill Gates once famously proposed the “Paperless Office”, where he would do all his business via screens instead of using paper. It sounds efficient. Less paper means less costs, less mess, more space, no need to hunt around for your pen and paper every time you write something down. For Bill Gates, this works brilliantly. […]

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September 26, 2016
Revolutionise Your Staff Training

An organisation’s strategic outcomes are realised through its people’s effort. Training enhances the core competencies of the people which will ensure the best results possible. Sales training is an obvious example as you want these people to sell more which brings in more revenue for the organisation. However with additional sales comes extra work for […]

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August 7, 2016
EQ vs IQ: What's the Perfect Management Mix?

Intelligence Quotient or IQ is a way to measure the level of potential ability of people, and as such has links to education and work performance, as well as personal survival. Most people have an average IQ, (by definition,“average” is 100). If most people also have an average level of Emotional Intelligence (referred to as […]

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June 23, 2016
Psychology of successful team

Why is team work so important to our survival and prosperity? No one person is perfect, as we are mixture of strengths which enable us to succeed and weaknesses which can set us up for failure. To protect ourselves from the risk of failure we need to work with other people in a teaming environment. […]

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June 19, 2016
Understand how you use your brain makes a big difference in your everyday life

Have a look at your hand and how your thumb enables your hand to do clever things. Now take a minute to think about your intellectual capacity, your IQ is just like your thumb it enables you to do all those clever things you do naturally. So where did your IQ come from? Was it […]

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