The Covid-19 pandemic has been a double-edged sword for many businesses in New Zealand and across the world. We've all had to re-think the way we engage with our customers.
Here in Auckland, we've endured longer lockdowns than the rest of New Zealand, but at Huse Hill Associates, we haven't been standing still.
Rick, our Graphic Designer, and Rosemary, our Digital Marketing Assistant, got to work redesigning our website, and it went live in December. As you'll see, it's now much easier to read and check out everything we have to offer at Huse Hill Associates.
More importantly, we achieved our goal of turning our in-person workshops into books and e-Learning programs, so you can learn at your own pace, wherever you are in the world.

If you're looking to change your job or your direction in life this year, we recommend you check out our two e-Learning programs: 'Revolutionise your understanding of your natural working style', and 'Revolutionise the way you sell and influence people', as well as our professional development workshops and one-on-one mentoring. There will be something in there that could help you make the right decisions for your next step.
We've also added a 'Free Resources' tab where you can download helpful templates and documents like the Key Result Area (KRA) form and the Sales Analysis Sheet.
You can also now buy an e-Book version of 'Revolutionise the way you sell and influence people' - the latest addition to our book store.
We hope you enjoy checking out our new website, and we welcome your feedback on what you like, and what we can improve on.
Here's to an inspiring and motivating 2022!